
by conviction!

Quality management


Quality management starts with the supervision of production in the field and extends to answering enquiries from end consumers – for example, regarding optimal storage of the products after purchase. It supports our producers and suppliers in choosing suitable varieties and helps them with questions about certifications; it evaluates the goods during incoming and outgoing procedures, and tests their shelf life and optimal packaging. These activities are aimed at maintaining quality in terms of appearance and taste – from the harvested product through to the end consumer.


Quality rule #1

Be active rather than reactive

Be active rather than reactive – The quality management team at Gemüsering relies on the early detection of the latest developments in order to actively counteract production if necessary and to ensure legal security for all those involved in the supply chain. We consider product security in every respect an obligation.

Quality rule #2

Quality management

Quality management is an integral part of our corporate philosophy that is constantly evolving. It starts with the supervision of production in the field and extends to answering enquiries from end consumers. It supports our producers and suppliers in choosing suitable varieties and helps them with questions about certifications; it evaluates the goods during incoming and outgoing procedures, and tests their shelf life and optimal packaging. These activities are aimed at maintaining quality in terms of appearance and taste – from the harvested product through to the end consumer.

Quality rule #3

Share experience

In order to ensure the high quality of our products, we meet the standards of certifications required by the trade. We actively incorporate our experience from production, marketing and trade to the various committees of QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH, GlobalG.A.P., the DFHV, the Regionalfenster e. V. or product advisory boards.

Qualität rule #4

Responsible use of resources

The activities of our company are aimed at the long-term conservation of essential resources. The focus is on different areas, depending on the growing region. These include the use of renewable energies in production and storage locations, as well as measures to reduce energy consumption or the sustainable use of water and measures to promote biodiversity.

Quality rule #5

Support the natural balance

When dealing with any questions relating to sustainability, a dialogue must be established between everyone involved in order to strive for a balance of ecological, social and economic aspects. It is only through cooperation along the supply chain that further developments can be made in all areas such as production, logistics and society.

Quality without compromise


Quality and freshness are two of the most important components of our daily commitment. Our defined quality management processes cover all procedures from the controlled receipt of goods to professional storage and commissioning to delivery to the customer. Regular product analyses conducted by state-approved external laboratories, extensive certification controls (IFS, GLOBALG.A.P., QS, BIO, QZBW), and traceability of a product back to the producer are just as much a matter of course for us as our internal audits, which provide us with important information about the fulfilment of set quality requirements.



GLOBALG.A.P. is a private, globally applied quality assurance and certification system for agriculture. GLOBALG.A.P. is primarily a business-to-business initiative. Its main objective is to improve food safety by ensuring compliance with standards.


The "Regionalfenster" seal is a verified identification of the regional origin and processing of the product - with additional indication of the inspection body. The Regionalfenster label makes it easier for consumers to recognise products of regional origin and therefore make consciously sustainable purchases.

IFS Wholesale

IFS Wholesale Standard certification enables wholesalers and cash and carry wholesalers to ensure transparent and traceable food safety and quality. The standard can be applied to both packaged and loose food.

QS test mark

The QS test mark signifies tested quality assurance for fresh food – from the producer to the shop counter! Be it meat and sausages or fruit, vegetables and potatoes – food with the QS test mark has a precisely documented and controlled life cycle.

EU organic

The EU organic label is awarded to products that meet all the standards of EU legislation on organic farming.

Baden-Württemberg quality mark

The quality mark issued by the state of Baden-Württemberg is a seal of quality for products that have been produced and processed according to special product-specific requirements that go beyond the legal guidelines and are of traceable origin. The label is awarded by the State of Baden-Württemberg, represented by the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection (MLR).



Gemüsering Stuttgart GmbH
Langwiesenweg 30 (Großmarkt)
70327 Stuttgart

Tel.  (+49) 711 / 16865 0
Fax  (+49) 711 / 16865 99

Email info@gemuesering.de

Contact person